Female soldier, Monique Danjou-Verneret, experienced an astonishing destiny. With her husband, General Vanuxem, she was involved in the theaters of operations, from the end of World War II to the wars of decolonization in Indochina and then in Algeria. During her missions, she will meet soldiers from different wars: de Gaulle, invited to his table in Algeria, de Lattre, Bigeard, Massu, Geneviève de Galard, etc.
Liked by the local populations, she received the nickname of "mother of the Muongs" in Indochina and endeavored to manage the relations between the communities and worked for the emancipation of women in Algeria.
Wrongly accused of being the head of the OAS, her husband is jailed and Monique takes care of her children alone. They wanted to pay homage to him in this little book.