Kit de mise à jour pour le jeu Guiscard 2

Upgrade kit for Guiscard 2

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This kit is intended for owners of the first version of GUISCARD and who would like to have the new components introduced with GUISCARD 2.
The kit consists of:
  • 5 A4 counter sheets printed on thick cardboard (similar to those of THE ANARCHY, AGER SANGUINIS and MONTGISARD).
  • Map of The Chapel
  • The 2 campaign maps (Sicily and Puglia).
  • The widely revised rulebook, with many clarifications. It is the most complete version to date of the games in the Norman Saga series.
  • The booklet with the history and the scenarios: 14 tactical scenarios including 4 entirely new and featuring the Varangian Guard of the Byzantine emperors, as well as 4 campaign scenarios.
  • The 3 double-sided play sheets.

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Customer Reviews

Based on 4 reviews
Dan Buman
A must have for Guiscard 1st edition owners.

Nice of them to offer an affordable way to upgrade your game if you have a copy of the 1st edition. The rule book and counters by themselves make the purchase an obvious choice. Very happy to have purchased this upgrade kit!

tony colomb
Mise à jour

J'avais Guiscard depuis plusieurs années et cette mise à jour est géniale surtout pour les nouveaux pions !

Longue vie à Cry Havoc

Merci pour faire vivre cette série, et d'éditer des Kits "upgrade" de très bonne facture : une excellente attention pour les possesseurs d'ancienne versions !
Le colis est arrivé très bien emballé. L'équipe répond aux emails / questions.
Vivement la suite :-)

Robert Gunn
Upgrade kit for Guiscard 2

If you have the original and you want the latest and greatest rules, charts, and especially thicker counters, this is a must, plus it keeps the cost down.