
  • You can now pre-order SHERWOOD !

    SHERWOOD is almost there! We have started printing all the components and hope to receive everything by the end of November, just in time to put th...
  • Credit Card payment is finally available!

    Announced for several months, we finally managed to set it up since October 1st. If the limited payment options we offered until today were the rea...
  • We resumed our shipments to the UK!

    It took us several months, but this time it's all good: We finally got the essential EORI (Economic Operators Registration and Identification numbe...
  • The Cave-Fortress: A new map for the games of the Cry Havoc series.

    Here is a new map which is not lacking in interest: the theme of fortified caves is not very popular, but I have chosen to represent the most famou...
  • Guiscard 2 is around the corner!

    Guiscard is a game released 8 years ago in 2013 and now out of print. He had revived interest in the Cry Havoc series, medieval skirmish games crea...